My daughter doesn’t want to work, but takes away my pension

My daughter doesn’t want to work, but takes away my pension
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have three adult children and grandchildren. Everyone lives separately. The sons bought apartments, andthe daughter and her husband live with his parents.

After school, my daughter did not want to study further, saying that she wanted to rest and prepare better. The school did not suit her, she wanteduniversity

The year has passed in vain. She refused to enroll and leftmarried

When my grandson was two years old, I suggested that she study to be a seamstress in order to have a profession. The daughter said that she would not send the child to kindergarten until he was three years old.

Then the second grandson was born and that was all over. The daughter was in no hurry to look for work, although the children were already grown up, and the eldest grandson went to school.

I helped with money because conflicts had already begun. My mother-in-law reproached my daughter for not working, but sitting on everything ready. I was ashamed in front of my son-in-law's parents, so I gave my daughtermoney .

I retired three years ago. I gave my daughter my pension card so she could use the money. She assured that she would give it back in a month, because she was looking for a job - olda friend takes her to her office.

I was happy, but it was too early. The daughter did not agree to work as a cleaner, and she doesn’t know how to do anything else. Although they offered me a normal salary.

My sons insist that I quit my job and live on my pension, and they will help. But I can’t quit and be left completely without money. They don’t know that my daughter has been taking my pension for three years now. She refuses to give her pension card back. He says the money goes to my grandchildren. And if I feel sorry for several thousand on them, then she will not allow me to see them.

I do not know what to do. I'm afraid that my sons will find out about everything and will definitely stop communicating with her, and maybe with me. I don’t want this: no matter what she is, she is my daughter and I love her. In all these years I haven’t been able to give their children anything, only cheap toys. I spend everything on my daughter. So she found herself hostage to her own kindness. I probably raised my daughter wrong, I missed something and now I have to pay for it.

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