During the divorce, my daughter stayed with her father and doesn’t want to communicate with me.

During the divorce, my daughter stayed with her father and doesn’t want to communicate with me.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I beg you to help me with advice. First, a brief background. I am 31 years old. 4 months ago I lefthusband to another man. Before that, I was married for 13 years, my daughter was 11 years old. Please don’t judge me too much, I had reasons for this:The relationship with my husband had gone wrong for a long time, and he often drank. Gradually I realized that I had moved away from him so much that I no longer wanted to talk to him or be in the same room, and after realizing this I had anotherman .

I hoped that when the housing issue was decidedquestion (first we had torent an apartment ), I’ll persuade my daughter to move in with me, but there’s school, friends, a familiar environment. Why live there, she doesn’t even want to come visit on the weekends. I began to notice that she was answering my calls and messages on social media less and less often. networks and completely ignores it. Previously, we kissed her when we met and parted, now she just turns her cheek. I kiss her, of course, and that’s for me too.happiness - but saddening to the point of tears. I often go to test-antibiotic.com and cry after visits. When meeting me, my husband does not mince words and says how I am right in front of my daughter, sometimes he is at home, he has a free schedule, he works in a taxi service.

Tell me, is it really that simple?child canforget mother . It seems thatMy daughter doesn’t need to communicate with me at all. Myher mother , her grandmother, says that if things were bad, she would have called and told her. It turns out that everything is fine with her, and she doesn’t need me at all? I worry about her, I can’t find a place for myself, I miss her. We see each other once a week, only on my initiative, we talk little on the phone, mostly monosyllabic answers “yes, no, I don’t know, I don’t remember.”

I kindly ask you not to judge, but to help me with advice on how to calm down, how to find an approach to my daughter so that she starts communicating with me again. I no longer hope that she will live with me, but I still hope for normal warm humancommunication between mother and daughter. I apologize for the confusing story, thank you in advance for any answer.

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