My daughter doesn’t want to study because the teacher constantly scolds and criticizes her

My daughter doesn’t want to study because the teacher constantly scolds and criticizes her
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

As soon asmy daughter went to school, and that’s how it started in the familyProblems . Homework and school meetings were added to everyday worries. My daughter is now in the third grade, she constantly complains that the teacher doesn’t like her and constantly picks on her. The husband says that you shouldn’t listen to her, the children tend to exaggerate. But I can't leave everything as it is. She suggested that my husband go to school and talk to the teacher, but he refused, saying that such conversations, like a class meeting, were useless. The child either wants to study or does not want to.

He decided this after he went to the meeting several times and came very dissatisfied. He said that the teacher talked all the time about several children, constantly praised them, and set their parents as an example to others on how to deal with children. The husband believes that when gathering parents, one should not hint at tutoring so that the child has good grades, but talk specifically about each child, about the problems of the class.

I agree with him, but when we missed several meetings, citing being busy, my daughter said that the teacher then scolded her in front of the whole class and said that her parents were not interested in how she studied, that’s why the grades were like that. I want to meet with the teacher and hear her version of what is happening, why she got angry with the child. We always rentmoney for everything, including gifts for her, but we don’t run around like some mothers constantly come to her with gifts, maybe that’s where it comes fromattitude . I remember my time at school, how we all in the class literally idolized the teacher, she had no favorites, she treated everyone the same. Probably, real teachers are a rarity now.

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