How long will my boyfriend be satisfied with this relationship?

How long will my boyfriend be satisfied with this relationship?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I recently met a guy. I'm 27, he's 31. We met after a long time, because I promised him a cake for his birthday.birthday . We didn't see each other because he was away for work. We were constantly in touch throughout his departure. I immediately took a liking to him.

We met some time later, had lunch, and celebrated his birthday. He kept wondering if I cooked so deliciously, if I baked the cake myself? I answered that I did everything myself. He was surprised and said that it was unrealistically great that I could cook so deliciously, because now manygirls don't know how or don't want to cook. I don't know where he meets them, but I have everythingmy friends cook delicious food.

During dinner, he began to ask how long I had been alone. She said that since May. He said that we met at the end of June, and added that I quickly switch from one to another. Once upon a time, before he left, I said that I justsex without a relationship is not my thing. I don't know how to turn off my feelings and just sleep for pleasure. We were just talking then, he didn’t hint at anything. We slept in the same bed last time, but he didn’t bother me and we were even somehow far away from each other.

But this time it turned out that he lay down right next to me, then he said that it was cold here, and it was true. He offered to lie next to me, but I was shy. He said that I seemed to be even more scared than he was. After some time, I also began to say that it was cold. Then he again offered to lie in an embrace. But supposedly when a boy and a girl lie down together and hug, there might be something else going on. But we just lay there and talked.

After a while, he says that he actually doesn’t understand what’s happening between us. He says that he really likes us with himfriendship , and that sex is great, but sometimes sex ruins everything and he doesn’t want to lose me. But I remembered that after sex I get attached to people, and he doesn’t really want that either. He doesn't get attached. Said that the pasthe was in a very toxic relationship and that’s why he doesn’t really want a serious relationship.

Then he asked why I wasn't sleeping. I say that I can’t sleep. He says: “because no one has slept nearby for a long time?” I didn't answer. Then they fell asleep. I woke up and started getting ready for work. We had breakfast and each went to different places. We hugged goodbye, a few minutes pass and a message from him: “Thank you for such care and attention, you make me happier. It’s so nice that words can’t describe it.”

I do not know what to do. Should we continue to be friends and experience greater sympathy, or should we still sleep with him and possibly lose him? I don't know what to do.

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