The long-awaited divorce did not bring me joy and peace

The long-awaited divorce did not bring me joy and peace
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was married for almost five years, it seemed like we lived well, a stable partnershiprelationships , ran a small family business, and were in no hurry to have children.

But he is a very difficult person, he could sulk for hours over trivialities or make a complaint over trivialities, he constantly humiliated. Although we both knew that the profit in the business depended on me, he could only be a helper. Maybe that was the reason for his behavior.

As a result, I didn’t feel happy in my marriage, but I wasn’t in a hurry to leave either, I was scared, that’s allI tried to dissuade my girlfriends , saying that we all live like this, he doesn’t drink, he doesn’t hit, and that’s good.

I ended up meeting another man, I've been officially divorced for almost two months now and I'm incredibly happy. He's ten years older than me, but it doesn't feel that way at all. He's just an ordinary guy.a man , without much money, incredible talents, but very smart and attentive. For the first time I feel that I am loved, exMy husband only allowed himself to be loved, now I understand that.

But stilldivorce is very hard for me. I was ready for this, we discussed for almost a year that we needed to get divorced, I wanted to leave for a long time, it turned out that I had already mentally divided all the things. I am not alone, I do not have difficulties - we rented an apartment together, my husband does not lay claim to the business, things are going well - even better, he delayed changes with his grumbling and pushed away many partners.

Why do I periodically feel unbearable sadness, like a wolf howling? Or I can spend the whole night in tears. Thisdepression or am I just crazy? Is there any way to cope with this? My friends don't understand me, and I can't discuss my condition with my new man. He also had a relationship that ended because of me, but he seems calm and my suffering surprises him. Although I don't feel sad when I'm with him.

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