Should I forgive my husband?

Should I forgive my husband?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don't know what to do or how to react. I live in another country with my husband. We have a house andapartment. The house is shared, built together.

Now this is a difficult time,husband is constantly on edge and can sometimes answer me rudely, although he doesn’t think so. And this is what happened. He drank, this happened once before, but then I forgave and said that if it happens again, I will leave him.

Before this day was hisbirthday. He didn't celebrate because he was working. The next day, after work, he and a colleague went to celebrate a little, and he had a drink there. On the way home, he met a neighbor and went to him.

I was waiting for him after work and called him, he said that he was on his way and would be there soon. More than an hour passed, I called again, and then he said that he was at a neighbor’s. To which I told him that I could at least go home, say that I had come and then go to a neighbor.

He drank from a neighbor, I don’t know how much,, but he came back no longer adequate and started a scandal. He shouted so loudly that I am now ashamed to appear at the entrance. He shouted that how can I set conditions for him and tell him what to do and so on. He called me names, and then came up, swung his hand and said that he was going to hit me. After which I just went into the kitchen and sat there until he went to bed.

The next morning all he remembered was screaming. He didn’t remember what or why. I told you to register with the justice system, and I wantdivorce. I won't wait. He began to make excuses and said to wait until theymoney, and he will be able to give me something (although I didn’t ask and don’t want to).

It's been two days and I can'tforget and cool down, although we communicated. And yesterday I wrote an SMS and he didn’t understand something (I wrote that it doesn’t matter T9 changed the words). To which he wrote that if I don’t care, then I don’t need to write at all.

He came home from work and pretended that I wasn’t there. I was overwhelmed, I told him not to think that I was joking about the divorce and that he didn’t even apologize for what happened. To which he said that he didn’t apologize because he didn’t remember it!

The scandal began again, you see, I remember this to him. And again the name-calling and insults. He hasn't spoken to me for two days now. I am completely shocked that it has come to this. But it turns out that everything he said to me while I was drunk and he doesn’t remember, I have to forgive, but he pouted and made me guilty again.

What to do and what to do, so far I have not responded to his ignorance. I also pretend that I don’t remember anything, just like him.

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