My husband's friend influences him negatively

My husband's friend influences him negatively
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Our family is 9 years old. All these years myMy husband has a friend with whom he has been friends for more than 15 years. My husband communicates with him about business (there are common projects) and just spends time. My friend’s name is Artyom, I’ll try to characterize him.

He is about 50 years old (my husband is 55), he hasfamily and two children. For the last 10 years, Artyom has been living a terrible life, since during this time he had two mistresses with whom he goes on vacation, naturally hiding it from Ira (his wife). Ira doesn’t go to any events with him, that is, he comes to weddings and birthdays alone, so eternally single. He often goes on vacation, once a month alone, hiding it from his wife or without even asking her opinion.

Ira is a rather intelligent woman, pleasant in appearance, but from constant quarrels and scandals she began to look very bad. Artem earns very well (two cars - a winter one and a summer one), but it’s a pity for Ira to even buy a fur coat. When we get together in groups, Artem constantly starts teaching my husband in front of me how to live, saying that he doesn’t need any benefits, he doesn’t need to buy anything for the family, he starts implying some secrets from me, he invites me on trips without wives, that is, without me.

I tried to talk to my husband, but to no avail, he told me that he traveled with a friend all the waylife when he was single, and will travel and make friends. I look at this semblance of Artem’s “family” and don’t understand how you can support such a person who calls his wife names in front of everyone and treats his children with disrespect? His children, having just turned 15-16 years old, left home, that is, they ran away from them. How can one strive for such communication?

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