Friendship or benefit?

Friendship or benefit?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I recently found out that I have a second cousinsister . We met, and I was very glad that I met such a decent, kind, sincere woman.

She is 40 years old, I am 47. Herson is studying, he has smallproblems in studies. And mymy husband works where he studies. Our new relatives showered us with modest, but still gifts. And so at every meeting. We all felt very awkward and, of course, asked both jokingly and seriously not to do this. If I also gave something in return, my sister always refused. But I also enjoy giving gifts!

We often communicated, mostly by phone, and shared secrets (especially me). Anya often invited me to go for a walk, to walk around the city. I refused, I didn’t have time, and I didn’t always want to. And now we have some kind of discord in our relationship. She hardly talks to me, she even tries to inject me. Although the whole family recently came to visit, they consulted with my husband about our son. When they arrived for the very first time I hugged and kissed everyone, probably this was unnecessary, when we meet with us I will always hug both her and herhusband and son. And in generalrelations became strained.

Maybe the reason is the hugs or something else? I don't even understand. Is there really only benefit here? Orjealousy or something else.

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