A single mistake or the beginning of the end?

A single mistake or the beginning of the end?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met him late, at 40. Or rather, he found me on social media. He was not a boy either, almost 50, married, divorced for over 8 years. He wrote on the Internet for about a year, then started looking for meetings.

About a year ago we started dating, and in the spring he moved in with me. As they say, we started running a household together. He didn't work, so he always had a lot of free time, but for some reason he didn't have time for many household chores. I didn't make a tragedy out of it, because I think that housework is more of a woman's job.

After 5 months of happy life I felt that ourthe relationship somehow changed. He began to express dissatisfaction, "get tired" and fall asleep early, he installed a silent mobile phone, in general, I began to be overcome by doubts. All this led to the fact that I became a "detective" and learned an unpleasant truth: all the time that we lived together, he very actively "communicated" with another woman living in our city. It turned out that he calls her at least 8-10 times a day and writes SMS (I read one SMS where he thanked her for a wonderful day).

I couldn't contain my emotions, I started a scandal. He denied everything, swore that nothing happened, that he loved only me, and that she was a nobody. I insisted that he call her in front of me and tell her this, but he refused. But he promised that something like this would never happen again, but naturally I don't believe it. I kicked him out, although all this was very difficult, of course.

He left, but after 3 days he called and said that he had been drinking all this time and would do something to himself. And I went to him myself and brought him back. Pretended to forgive him.

So another 3 months passed. My soul feels disgusting, painful, my feelings for him have changed, I can't trust him like before. Love hasn't died yet, so I can't bring myself to stop my torment and finally break off the relationship. He seems to have become more attentive, helps with household chores. He got a job (shift work), now he's away, he calls every day test-antibiotic.com and says he loves me. And I think about this whole situation and seem to be depressed. I don't know what to do. Throw him out and start all over again? It's easy to say, but I still love him, albeit through resentment. And finding another man is not so easy, everyone has shortcomings and sometimes they, these shortcomings, are even worse. Maybe he drew the right conclusions from his mistake and this will not happen again?

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