The only reasonable way out of this situation is divorce.

The only reasonable way out of this situation is divorce.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A story about betrayalMy husband and I were hooked, because I was in exactly the same situation. The only difference is that we still live together for the sake of the children. I don’t even follow his hobbies anymore; somehow everything has become indifferent to me.

The first time I found out about his betrayal, he also swore that it was not true. Then he already said that he realized his mistake and broke up with his mistress. I forgave,life gradually began to improve, but then he developed a new hobby. Again vows, assurances that this was a momentary weakness, that everything was in the past, and I believed again. She even began to give the children to their grandparents for the weekend so that they could be together and pay more attention to their husband. We've become so bright againthe relationship was like in the first year of our life, and I was happy and confident that all the troubles were behind me. I reassured myself that most men act this way, it’s their nature, the instinct of procreation, or something.

And again I was wrong: once again I caught my husband chatting with some girl. He thought I was sleeping and didn't even bother to hide the fact that he had someone. He could have written to her absolutely safely from work, but he apparently relaxed and did not consider it necessary to strain for the sake of maintaining the appearance of decency.

After another and already familiar scandal, I again believed him and forgave him. Not because I love her so much, but rather, it was painful to realize that I would be left alone with two children. As “compensation,” we even went together for a week to the sea, leaving the children with their grandmother. We walked, went to the movies, restaurants. It seemed that everything was fine with us again.

Yesterday I unexpectedly returned home and heard him talking to her on the phone. My husband didn’t find out that I heard their conversation, I decided not to talk - what’s the point? I don’t understand how you can say the same words of love to both me and your mistress? Understand, whatdivorce is the only way to stop everything and move on, but I can’t decide on it. The unknown, possible financial difficulties and the need to explain everything to children and friends are very frightening.

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