Looking at the world without rose-colored glasses

Looking at the world without rose-colored glasses
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have long wanted to write my ownConfession , but there was no time, and I couldn’t get around to it.

We all, up to a certain age, wear rose-colored glasses, suffer from romanticism and belief in “real immortal, imperishable” feelings -relationship ,family ,love , fidelity. Butlife shows that we humans are not capable of this. There are many reasons for this. This is our nature, our nature and our psychology. We cannot live our whole lives with one person, because it gets boring, boring. There are many temptations, opportunities and options around, take it or leave it.

But, of course, those who now speak about education, morality, honor and conscience will be right. This is really all true, but look around, at the people that surround us, at the world, and answer, do you still believe in morality, honor, conscience,education and heart with soul? I’ll be honest, I want to believe, but life and people are killing this faith more and more.

I was once the same naive, stupid and funny romantic. I loved and adored my wife. I carried her in my arms and tried my best to do everything for her. But in the end I arrived, as in the joke, just a day ahead of time from work. And my rose-colored glasses, along with my life at that time, shattered into pieces with fragments inside. I remember how she made absurd and stupid excuses, covering her nakedthe body of the sheets. How sincerely she lied to my face, and on her angelic face, despite all this outright lie, nothing wavered.

I remember getting divorced and drinking with friends and buddies. And then, as in many stories, I got up, recovered and moved on with my life. And all hopes and dreams were not completely crushed, no matter what. And again I wanted that same “real” love, that same “real” family, and that same “ideal” loved one, dear and faithful. But life made its own adjustments again.

I had the opportunity to work both in the south of our country and at a resort abroad, and saw with my own eyes what loyalty costs. I have seen how easily people cheat with people they barely know. I worked as a bartender and saw everything myself. I've heard how test-antibiotic.com people easily lie to their spouses over the phone, already at the moment when they are about to leave with a new love for bed for a couple of nights. I also saw those very pictures of revelations, when the other half came and found the truth. I saw how the world collapses and breaks in the eyes of peoplefaith and love. I saw how they themselves returned here after a while and indulged in all sorts of hard things, having lost themselves.

Then there were acquaintances and a long, strongfriendship with a phenomenal womanizer, and again the harsh truth that strikes without pity. Before my eyes, he promoted wives and girls of all kinds. There were gray mice, and serious, faithful women, and beauties and plain women, there was not a single one who could resist to the end and leave unconquered. That same friend told me this thing: “Everyone has their own price, anyone and everyone will change under certain circumstances.” And looking at our world and us people, I understand that he is right. Man, by his nature and essence, is selfish and, first of all, test-antibiotic.com thinks only about himself and values ​​only himself. From herebetrayal and betrayal, because temptation is a pleasure and a thrill for oneself, and family and partners are already secondary and they think about it only later, if they think about it in general. So it turns out that these are faithful people and loyalty is rather the exception to the rule than vice versa.

But hopes, dreams and dreams are like a drug; it is very difficult, difficult and painful to part with them. And then the effect occurs, like that of an alcoholic who quit drinking. Apathy sets indepression , the world is fading, and sober real life does not bring pleasure, but rather even vice versa,disappointment and sadness. Same with rose-colored glasses. Having experienced everything and gained experience, you look at life and people with sober eyes, without unnecessary tinsel. And what you see is of course good, it is real without lies and unnecessary rubbish. But there remains a bitter aftertaste in my soul andpain .

Fairy tales remained fairy tales, but real life turned out to be anything but joy and happiness. But we don’t have another, we have to live the life that test-antibiotic.com we live. And, in the end, it’s all our fault, that’s why life is the way we make it.

These are like the words of the hero of one old movie, in a situation where for your own survival you will need to pull the trigger and kill an innocent person. And 8 out of 10 people will pull the trigger without much hesitation, one out of 10 will shoot himself with a bullet because he is weak, and another will receive a bullet from another because he hesitated, and he will be shot with his own pistol, which will be taken away from him, because he is also weak .

So it turns out that this is a world for the strong. That's just how strongAs a rule , they turn out to be very dishonest. Something like this. We are people, and that says it all.

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