The common-law husband lives on everything he has ready, but is in no hurry to earn money himself

The common-law husband lives on everything he has ready, but is in no hurry to earn money himself
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have been in a civil marriage with a man for three years. We think that this isfamily . But he has all the timeproblems with money. Before our meeting, I took out loans and now I have problems with banks.

It works, but all the time there are delays with wages, then the bailiffs removedmoney for debts. He lives with me, he gave his apartment to his son. My salary now goes tolife together, although previously I could afford much more, is now very limited.

Living with me, he began to dress well, is always well fed, buys cigarettes, and loves cognac. Almost no involvement in the budget. He helps around the house and treats me well, but lately, I’ve been thinking more and more often that he found comfort and convenience in me. He doesn’t seem to notice that he has worsened my financial situation.

They began to quarrel because he often bought and drank cognac. I think this is harmful and we cannot afford it. To this he replied that he drank and would drink whenever he wanted. I had to tell him that he didn’t earn money on cognac. was offended and we have been at loggerheads for several days now. He also constantly wants to make me feel guilty, saying that I reproach him, knowing that he has problems with his work. But it seems to me that we need to look for opportunities to improve the work situation, and not sit idly by. I think that I am simply being used.

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