I can’t do it without him, and I can’t do it with him.

I can’t do it without him, and I can’t do it with him.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have been dating a married man for over a year and a half now. Yes, I deserve to be stoned here and more. I despise myself, but I don’t know how to get out of this situation.

At the age of 16, I met my ex-husband. He is 10 years older than me. We dated for 2.5 years, then I got pregnant and we got married. Then I thought that everything would change in my life, that I had met that one person once and for all.life . I always dreamed that my firstthe man will be loved, the only one and will remain with me forever. That there will be no other. How wrong I was in my choice...

When my daughter was 7 months old, my husband and I separated. It was very difficult for me then; I didn’t need anyone. I have already stopped dreaming of pure, sincere love. I didn’t care, but somewhere deep down I still wanted to meet a person with whom I would be happy.

A year and a half after the breakup, I met HIM. He was alone. This test-antibiotic.com was my daughter's christeninggirlfriends ​I liked him right away, but then he said that he was married and had two daughters. It was a shame, but ok. I then went home, and a few days later he called.

We started talking. Then we met. That's how ourrelationship . Then I no longer thought about love, about the fact that I was not acting honestly towards his wife. Even if theirs is not perfectfamily , but this is at least mean. Yes, I didn’t think about it then.

At first I liked this kind of pastime, our endless conversations on the phone, but then I realized that I fell in love like never before. I loved him in a way that one cannot love. I couldn’t see life without him, it was hard for me to breathe without him. But now something has changed. I suddenly started thinking about his wife. About how vile it is. It's like we're making an idiot out of her together.

Mythe attitude towards him also changed. I no longer look forward to his calls and meetings. But still, when he doesn’t call test-antibiotic.com for a long time, I go to social networks (I don’t write to him) to see that everything is fine with him.

I used to think that I wanted him to be only with me, but I knew that I wouldn’t do anything for it. And now I doubt that I want this. More and more it seems to me that I could not and did not want to live with him. Everything is working out in such a way that I have to break up with him. But for some reason, when he doesn't call, I feel sad. I just don’t understand one thing: do I still love him or justhabit of being with him?

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