An ideal relationship with a guy ended quickly

An ideal relationship with a guy ended quickly
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I dated a guy, the first month was just perfectrelationship , I already thought: “has fate finally rewarded me with my man?” But no! He is jealous, it showed almost immediately. Even before I met him, I bought a trip with my sister to warm countries, and when it came time to go get all the documents, I told him about it, this was just in the second month of the relationship. He immediately got angry, saying that I could have canceled everything. He didn’t answer the phone for a day, and the next day he told me that I had to break up, and that he was no longer involved in my life, that he didn’t love me and even cheated on me.

I immediately had a strong hysteria, I was shaking and vomiting, as soon as I start to get nervous, I immediately feel sick. My heart was beating incredibly. And he came in the morning to make peace, saying that he was angry, and therefore he put pressure on everything that hurt, that he never cheated, and that he loves. He asked for forgiveness. But it was as if something had died in me.

A month has passed since then, the whole month there have been some strained relations. As soon as something goes wrong, he immediately talks about breaking up, and then writes that he can’t live without me. Such an emotional swing. He says that we don’t understand each other, supposedly I have become indifferent, but I just closed myself off so as not to go crazy with emotions when we fight, I just sit and react calmly. But I began to close myself off so much that I could remain silent and withdraw into myself.

I have never had such a relationship before. And I myself don’t understand what attracts me so strongly to him and why I feel so wild without him.pain . After all, we’ve only been together for three months, and yet such a nightmare is happening. Again yesterday they started talking about breaking up, that the relationship was supposedly going nowhere, both were passive in it, and each was expecting something from the other. And as soon as I realize that I’m losing it, I immediately panic and have all the symptoms.

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