I only like older guys

I only like older guys
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 19 years old, and for the last 2-3 years I've been facing this problem: all the guys I like are older than me, by far from 5 to 15 years. They don't start relationships with me, and it's clear why, because they are many years older than me.

The big age difference doesn't scare me, but, for example, it won't suit my parents. I have nothing against them, because such men already have some views onlife , they have a great character and wonderfulupbringing .

These guys are real men, not their imitation, who can't even make a decision, let alone stand up for or take responsibility for a girl.

I think if such a person asked me to date him, I would agree, but none of them would dare to start a relationship with merelationships because they are afraid of the age difference. Young guys, even my peers, do not see anything good in me. They do not find my appearance pleasant, they do not like my character and they are repelled by my inaccessibility, test-antibiotic.com that is, I will not get into someone else's car on the first day of meeting, after a week of communication I will not hug and kiss, after a month I will not jump into bed.

So it turns out that I am not interesting to the young, and those who are older will not dare to "spoil" my life with a big age difference. What should I do and what should I do?

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