Holiday experiment with husband and girlfriend

Holiday experiment with husband and girlfriend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Came outI got married nine years ago. Before that, we had been dating for four years. The relationship has always been romantic. Butmy husband found a good permanent job and became more married to her than to me. This situation didn’t make me very happy; sometimes he doesn’t even spend the night at home.

We don't have children. At first I didn’t want to, I put my studies first, then I began to hope for a career, but then I realized a lot. My husband and I are very friendly and love to communicate. We have many friends at home. There are, of course, close friends, bosom friends, so to speak. One of these friends sometimes spends the night with us or I can go to her house for the night. Even I visit her more often than she visits us.

She is lonely and can't find a boyfriend. Lives with his mother in a one-room apartment on the outskirts of the city. When herMom is leaving on a business trip, she asks me to spend the night with her. At such moments, we stock up on good wine, cigarettes and sit for a long time until late or until the morning talking with women.

Once we had to live for several weeks in someone else’s apartment while the owners were away. One evening, in addition to the fact that she came to spend the night with usfriend , more neighbors came who lived on the floor below - a married couple a little older than us. Our gatherings, seasoned with plenty of alcohol, lasted until midnight. When our neighbors left, we also went to our rooms to sleep. My husband started pestering me, but after a while the alcohol he drank reminded me of itself, and my husband allegedly joked about what would be needed herehelp from a friend. I played along with him several times, shouting something to her about the fact that without her, the husband could not fulfill his duty and her intervention was required.

This topic went nowhere beyond jokes. But in the days that followed about that nightThe husband began to be overcome by memories. He fantasized out loud what could have happened then, and constantly asked me whatI could have had a reaction if this or that had happened. At first this amused me, but then I realized that this was now his main desire in life. By the way, my friend really liked her husband, and this was sometimes visible in her eyes. I myself began to imagine him kissing a friend or another woman. One day, when we were in a restaurant, I asked my husband several times to dance with her. They danced, but while dancing they only talked and nothing more. Then, when my friend had to go out, I asked him to accompany her, supposedly for safety reasons, and when they were smoking, they were just talking.

Later, when beautiful ones caught my eyegirls , I fantasized which one of them would look beautiful next to my husband, and whether he could have sex with hersex . This game continued for more than a year. In the summer, my husband and I decided to go to the sea. A friend was offered to come with us, and she agreed, but just before the trip she referred toproblems at work and refused. Next to our hotel room there lived a married couple who were about our age. We immediately became friends with them and relaxed on the beach together. They had a boy about three years old. The guy was not at all problematic.

In the evening, at about nine o'clock, they put him to bed and he, without waking up, slept until the morning. So we could have fun until midnight - we went dancing, swam in the sea at night or sat in a bar. It was possible to enter the room from the balcony, so they went no more than an hour later to see if everything was okay. On one of these evenings, after drinking a lot of alcohol, I suggested taking a swim in the sea at night. When we all started to undress on the shore, I suggested that we not wear swimsuits, and since it was night and we couldn’t be seen, that we swim naked. Everyone happily supported the idea and we rushed into the water in a laughing crowd. Games began in the water: the men made a springboard with their own hands and took turns throwing us into the waves. When our neighbor was in my arms, I saw that my husband’s hand was in her intimate place. Underwater, I didn’t see what his hand was doing, but from the time it was clear that he was in no hurry to lift it out of the water.

Having swam enough, we had already decided to leave, but I invited everyone to continue the evening in our room with a cup of cognac. Having said this, I leisurely took my things and, without getting dressed, went towards our balcony. I felt everyone’s gazes on my back as I walked past everyone with slow steps. When I approached the balcony, I looked back and saw that none of them had gotten dressed.

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