Confession of someone who has forgiven betrayal

Confession of someone who has forgiven betrayal
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It’s easy to beat your chest and scream that you can’t forgive betrayal and you need to immediately drop everything and leave. What if you can’t leave?

When it all started, we had been married for 11 years. We had two small children. Moreover, the youngestson is seriously ill.

The story is the simplest, stupid and ridiculous. My wife cheated, but the besta friend told me about it, settled old scores and returned the favor to her.

And here is the situation: a crying penitentwife , and two small children who love us both. It was hard, but I gave it a chance and forgave. Remained. But something broke inside me, my feelings died completely.

At 35, I exercised my right to revenge. It was a chance meeting. Two unhappy lonely broken tired people. I went into theserelationship with the head, loved deeply.

I won’t write the rest, it’s still very painful and hard to remember. She was diagnosed with cancer. Three years of struggle and she died in my arms. The adults, practically children, saved us.

I just don’t know how I survived everything. At the request and efforts of the children, their mother contacted We live together now, she fusses, runs around, does something, says something, but it’s as if I’m not alive. There are no feelings, no emotions, emptiness and cold.

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