Confession of a happy woman

Confession of a happy woman
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It just so happens that we don’t like men, I know that many will object to me, but I’m saying real things. Well, which of us thinks about the fact thatdoes the husband feel and carry on his heart and soul?

We all pretend to be strong women, we always havea man “owes”, but a woman does not owe anything to anyone, we must be loved. We always shout at every step that, they say, I’m divorced and mylife has become better and I am happy. Everyone here is shouting that patriarchy has passed and it is no longer fashionable to live in marriage and procrastinatehusband as an unnecessary thing or a useless animal in the household. But answer honestly, have you at least once looked at your family and youroutside relationships ? Have you ever wondered why a man sometimes leaves or why male infidelity sometimes happens? We always pretend to be heroines, so I raised the children alone, so I did everything myself, but is that really true?

I am a happy married woman, I have four beautiful children and husband, a wonderful golden loving andBeloved husband. Yes I have a traditional onea family where the man is the boss of the house. We have been together for 19 years, 19 happy years, and together we went through many difficulties and we got through it because we were together!

And now to the point, to the main thing. My husband and I met when we were both in difficult situations in life. I hadhealth problems , and I was coping with everything alone, but what was I coping with, I just broke down under the pressure of circumstances, and my husband helped. Words cannot say what kind of impact he had thenhelp . My husband himself had a lot of problems, both in health and in life. His exmy wife had just filed fordivorce . She was just such a “strong woman.” After 5 years of marriage, she stated that she had outgrown it all, that she did not need a family or a relationship, that it all bothered her, that she wanted freedom, and that her career was a priority. All this after her husband pulled her out of a terrible pit of problems; she was a country girl, from a drinking family with a bunch of complexes and problems. And now she simply threw her husband away as an unnecessary thing.

My future husband and I became friends, became best friends, were friends for two years, and only after so much time did we start a relationship, two years after we met and a year and a half after the divorce. Everything is honest, everything is without dirt, lies, betrayals and betrayals. Do you know what's the funniest thing? Many years later we found out that it turns out that the husband was to blame for the divorce. As his ex-wife told all mutual acquaintances, my husband started cheating with me while he was still married to her, that she felt it and therefore divorced. In general, complete bullshit. The truth is that the husband was faithful to her and is now faithful to me, the truth is that the husband himself was in favor of divorce for the reason that he was tired of being alone in his own family. The husband worked like hell for her sake, and in return he received something like thisattitude . Family is not onlylove , but also support and mutual understanding. A year before the divorce, the husband fell into depression, his youngest daughter diedsister (the operation was unsuccessful), the husband suffered greatly, could not come to terms with her death, and the wife knew and saw everything, but she simply did not care. This sad list of my husband’s problems in his last marriage can be continued endlessly.

Unfortunately, it’s customary for us to blame men for everything, take advantage of them and treat them like things. And looking at the families around and how wives behave towards their husbands, how they spit on them, how they cheat, lie, use and abandon them, only a negative attitude towards our women develops. And when someone like that starts shouting that, they say, our men are bad, and I’d rather go and have a relationship with a foreigner, the thought immediately arises in my head: “And, thank God, our men don’t need such “goodness”.”

Fortunately, I grew up in a traditional family, I received a healthy traditional normalupbringing , I saw normal relationships with my parents and have a healthy family model. I am lucky with my husband, we have a wonderful family, we have a wonderful relationship. And I had enough brains not to fall into the abyss of my selfishness and not become a “strong independent woman,” as is unfortunately fashionable now.

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