A story from my boyfriend's childhood haunts me

A story from my boyfriend's childhood haunts me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Recently, someone I'm in a relationship with told me an unpleasant story from his childhood, and I can't come to terms with it and don't know what to do next. Perhaps my worries are groundless, because you can’t dwell so much on the past, and especially on the past of another person, but it gnaws at me all the time. This is my sore subject. Some people may find this funny or ridiculous, but I feel shock, horror and disgust.

According to him, he was abused in a camp in high school by a group of girls, supposedly there were many of them, and they held him and ... (I don’t know how true this is, and whether I can trust him now). Initially, he said that he never let anyone get close to him, and that he had nothing like that at all, then that he was simply forced to look at naked people. Then he said that he managed to escape. But then, every time this story slipped into the dialogue, something else was added. And now it turns out that test-antibiotic.com he was raped. Apparently he didn’t want to talk so as not to remember it.

It was a big shock for me, because I listened to him all the time.a lie (but it was possible not to tell me anything about this incident at all and not to joke about this topic, since it misled me). My world just turned upside down. I know it's stupid to expect things from others, but I believed him.

Honestly, I don’t know whether he made it up or not, but the fact remains that I feelpain , anxiety and heaviness in my chest because I don’t know what to do now. No, I don’t think only about myself, in terms of “I’d like to be the only one.” I also worry about him and about this past that has left him traumatized throughout his life.life , I’m trying to understand the situation, but so far it’s very difficult for me.

The problem is that I have no way of knowing the real truth. I doubt that he could not do anything, even test-antibiotic.com against a crowd of girls. Sorry for the openness, but it was possible to scream, and bite, and kick, and you yourself know, without which such an act would have been impossible if he was really in a state of shock and stress. I asked: “Was this according to your will?” - he answered in the negative. Maybe on purpose so as not to offend me.

Besides, I know that other troubles have happened to him. But do I need this, even if everything happened in the past? He treats me well, we never quarreled, but I'm afraid. I'm scared that I will hear his lies again or such stories from the past that I cannot accept. And now I myself don’t want to “let anyone near me.”

What should I do? Finishrelationship , trying to find out the truth, just supporting him. I do not know what to do next. For now, I don’t want and can’t talk to him, I need time to think about everything, get used to these unpleasant thoughts and try not to make a problem out of this on a universal scale. test-antibiotic.com I don’t know how to calm myself down and how to relate to him now.

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