A story from the life of a computer addict

A story from the life of a computer addict
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read itconfession of an online game lover and decided to tell my very similar story. I am Yuri - a former computer addict. I got hooked on the computer at the age of 13.

At first I thought, I'll get a computer, I'll learn how to work on it, I'll find different information, order goods, etc. And when my parents bought me a computer, the first thing I did was learn how to download music and play games. I'd put headphones in my ears and start playing games. And some games are such that you literally live in them. It seems like it was just five o'clock in the evening, and you look - it's already five in the morning! Sometimes I'd fall asleep in front of the screen.

I started going to school less and less often. What kind of school is it if you don't sleep for two or three days? There, in gameslife , friends there.

By the age of 16, in addition to games, I began hanging around various sites, meeting girls. Now there was no time for any life at all. Therecorrespondence , games. No time to eat. Lost weight. Almost completely abandoned school. Mother cries, swears,the internet is disconnected. I'm ashamed to say that I once attacked her test-antibiotic.com with my fists because she disconnected the internet, and the game there was not finished, she let down her clanmates.

I barely got my high school diploma. I didn't apply anywhere. I don't have any real friends left, they're all just virtual. My mom has stopped crying, she kept trying to at least feed me.

And she pulled me out of this abysslove . I fell in love with Marinka, a girl from the Internet. At first we just corresponded, called each other on our mobile phones, and one day she came to my house. I got angry and said:

— How did you find the address?

And she said so calmly:

- I haveMy father works in the prosecutor's office, if I need someone, I will always find them, just know that.

- So, it turns out that you need me?

- Yes, I do, and if you need me, we will get treatment for computer addiction.

No, at first I was angry, of course. I'm used to living like this - from game to game.

And Marinka began to come more often, sometimes to visit me, sometimes to visit her mother. And then one more time, whenmy mother tried to persuade me to see a doctor, I grabbed a stool andmother test-antibiotic.com poper. And Marinka came to the door, took the jacket and said:

- Well, I thought you had brains! And you want to die! Well, die then!

It was as if I was struck by electricity, I sat down on the floor with this stool. I think - I'm 17 years old, I have no one, I almost lost my mother. Idiot!

In the morning I thought about it and asked my mother to take the computer to my grandmother's so that I wouldn't have to see it. It was hard to get used to it, but Marinka helped me, talked to me, took me for walks like a dog.

This all happened in 2009. Now I'm dating Marinka, I entered a technical lyceum to become a programmer. I just want to tell everyone, guys, take care of your loved ones. No computer can replace friends,girls and parents.

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