The story of my divorce

The story of my divorce
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have already written my story about being disappointed in men, and now the story of my divorce.

My friend and I studied in the same class, sat at the same desk andOur birthday is on the same day (October 5th). We are both Libras by horoscope. They just differed in nationality. She is Kazakh, and I am Russian.

We both stood out in our class, as girls from wealthy families, our parents dressed us well, however, we were the most beautiful. There was another friend with us, but in this case the story is not about her.

So, as the years passed, we grew up and started dating guys. I started dating my husband, and she started dating hers. Like me, she and I dated for 2 years, then everything went towards the wedding, matchmaking,pregnancy . Only I was the first. At first it all affected me.

I was naive, I loved deeply, it seemed that it didn’t matter how many people lived in the same house, the main thing was to be with him. After all, many people haveproblems with mother-in-law. And then, all this happened to by me. I hated my mother-in-law as much as I could. She destroyed my family.

Initially, she and I had goldrelationship . Then it turned out to be all just a game. I have learned to understand people, now I see their sincerity or deceit, pretense. I leftMy husband was pregnant for two months and began to live alone. She gave birth to a child and was happy, despite everything that happened.

Then my friend got pregnant here, and they also got her, and shethe guy also lived with his mother. The most interesting thing is that herMy husband and I are both Geminis according to the horoscope. This two-faced character, they have so much in common. The same abnormal mothers-in-law who interfered in our relationship. She also left her husband, they lived together for only 2 months, although everything seemed perfect for 2 years.

Neither her hubby helps her in any way, no alimony, nothing, and mine is in the same direction. Twofriends in misfortune. I also told her that young people still need to live separately, but she, like me, decided to go at random. Well, and it turned out the same as mine.

She also has a little daughter, who is now 7 months old, and mine is 1.2 years old. We call each other, go to visit each other. It's funny that everything is so similar. True, they help her with the child andmother andfather . And I'm all on my own. Well, she’s studying at the Grant; she can’t transfer to correspondence there. The only problem is that it will be more difficult for her. She’s Kazakh, she gave birth to a Korean father, it’s easier for Russians, it’s easier to get outmarried for the second time to a woman with a child.

She and I both deprived our husbands of paternity. Of course, I was the first to do this, I gave my dad’s last name and patronymic. Then she did the same. Now we live and enjoy how our daughters are growing up. It's a shame for them that their fathers did not turn out to be the ones we were so in love with.

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