Because of my mother I was left without a husband

Because of my mother I was left without a husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

She divorced her husband because of her mother. He left, leaving me with two daughters – 6 and 3 years old.

I can’t blame my mother for everything, because she provided us with housing after the wedding. And it was a three-room apartmentapartment where we and the children had separate rooms. AlthoughMom intervened in everything and always gaveadviсe . This annoyed my husband , I tried to fix itrelationship , asked my mother to live her own life. Mom answered that we are parasites,my husband earns little.

My husband offered to go to a rented apartment, but my mother helped with the children, cooked, cleaned,I bought groceries . But at the same time she constantly made comments. Either we talk loudly, then the children make noise, thenI pulled my husband on weekends to do repairs in the apartment. As he left, he said: “Now live with your mother, I can’t do this anymore.” I tried to persuade her and agreed to move, but my husband said that it was too late, he fell in love with another woman.

My husband pays alimony, sometimesHe gives money in addition to these payments, but has almost no contact with the children. Maybe because he already 's child is in another family, and he loves him more. And I still live with my mother, but I hardly talk to her. Resentment for being broken is chokinglife .

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