Cheated on my husband with a man I consider a friend

Cheated on my husband with a man I consider a friend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The situation is simply unbearable. I got a job, and at work I had to communicate with different people, but one person approached me and we became friends. I didn’t believe in friendship between a man and a woman, but then I realized that he was a friend. I could tell him everything.

My husband knew that we were friends and saw nothing wrong with it. I quit and he was fired. We haven’t seen each other for 2 years, we only corresponded on social networks. During this time I gave birth to a daughter. My husband and I startedproblems . No, he’s a good hard worker, he loves my daughter and, probably, me (as he says).

Previously, there were no conflicts with my husband, but then he began to insult my parents, especially my father. There was a terrible scandal. It came to a divorce, but I have a daughter and another to love her as he will not,the relationship deteriorated. I realized that something was missing, these feelings no longer existed. I got a car, and in order to avoid getting into an accident, I drove in the evenings, since I have no experience, and it’s scary,My husband always let me go. And on the road we met a friend by chance, stopped and talked in the same way.

He offered me to “drill me around the city,” well, I didn’t refuse the help. We rode, stopped, talked, and then he kissed me. It ended with sex. I didn’t even understand how everything happened so quickly. You can call me whatever you want, but it was just super, in 9 years of marriage with my husband, this has never happened.

We meet sometimes, he doesn’t have a wife in this regard, he’s free. We call this connection “friendly sex.” He makes it clear to me that we will never be together, I don’t have love either. But at every opportunity he tries to kiss me. I can't understand him at all.

What's next? I can't unravel this tangle. What does he need? What do I need? I don't understand. I'm ashamed in front of my husband.

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