How to deal with grandmothers who spoil a child?

How to deal with grandmothers who spoil a child?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Is it worth indulging the whims of a child, and where to find the very line that wouldThe child did not grow up to be a spoiled egoist.

At mygirlfriend problem. Olderthe daughter has become very spoiled and does not accept anything except consent. She demands to be called only princess, and not by name and without diminutive words, and requires increased attention to herself.

This is all the result of indulgence on the part of grandparents. Almost from birth, toys were bought for the girl at the first whim, and even when the child did not behave very well, he was not punished, arguing that the child was small and did not understand anything yet.

Now the girl is 6 years old, but the situation has not changed. The girl has the sameproblems with peers, as she bullies other children and may push or hit. There have already been complaints about her in the kindergarten. The friend tries to fight this, but is ignored. The mother-in-law continues to call her granddaughter “my princess,” and nothing else. Instills in her that she is the best and better than other children.

Myfriend is tired of arguing with her. Recently, by the way, I came across a video clip of a famous socialite (I won’t name names, whoever knows will understand), where aa holiday for her five-year-old daughter, in which she was addressed as a princess, admired her beauty and even prepared a grand coronation for her.

Don’t parents understand that in some cases they only harm their children with such an exalting attitude? After all, the child really begins to think that he is special and better than other children.

My friend, of course, is not so rich, but the situation is somewhat similar.

What do you think, is it worth pampering children like this or is it better to educate them to be strict? And if you pamper, how to do it so as not to go too far?

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