How a fortune teller ruined my life with her advice

How a fortune teller ruined my life with her advice
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A year ago I broke up with my boyfriend and experienced it for a very long time and painfully. I wanted to know what would happen to him, and I went to a fortune teller, she didn’t tell me anything good about him, but she prophesiedhappiness with someone else whom I will meet soon. At first I didn’t think about it, I didn’t even allow myself such thoughts, but then I really met a good man. I just didn’t take him seriously, and looked at him all the time from the side, but my head was spinning: is this really my husband?

The relationship was strange. He did not have time to break up with his girlfriend, and on a friendly wave we had personalrelationship . I was in pain, I understood that everything had gone wrong. And I went again to the fortune teller, she told me bad things and, as if on cue, I began to move away from him. Changed it. At some point he began to come to me,every day he called me to the cinema, but I no longer believed in the sincerity of his intentions and again looked at him as if from the outside, expecting a trick. We broke up.
Periodically, I communicated with my parapsychologist, without asking anything, but asking only to explain what he was thinking at the moment. I thought that this would make it easier for me to get around my opponent. The moment came when we seemed to be communicating, but the fortune teller prophesied to me that he would marry another girl because he didn’t love me, and I could only date him for 2 years.

When I arrived from her, I was very upset and made it clear to him that I didn’t want to be with him. She cried constantly, as if she was going against herself. We still talked. A month passed and I realized that I still wanted to be with him. I put on a bunch of mistakes and it was in my head that he didn’t love me. I went looking for love spells inInternet . They gave me a lot of answers, told me that he still loved me, but that now I would remain in hell for the rest of my .

Someone said I could change this. They said that he would stay with another girl. And all this settled in my head! I didn’t know that I could ruin my life like that, but I worked myself up like crazy. I was on edge every day, we began to quarrel and make trouble. At this time, I was still tormented by my visions; every day I dreamed of him in the morning and said that something bad would happen to us today. And I just screwed myself up more, but I love him, and he loves me. I know he could be my destiny.

Recently I visited a fortune teller again, she told me that we would sort out our relationship and everything would be fine. I understand this myself. But I continue to have my dreams and my every day is hell. I don’t want to live at all, and I constantly cry, I’m pulling myself down, I hate myself, I don’t see anything good in this relationship and I’m to blame for everything.

Over the past 3 months, I have ruined a promising relationship with a good person, now it’s as if we were just acquaintances. We can't hear each other. I hate myself, I'm stuck in that time. The worst thing is that I can’t change the past, but I can’t and don’t want to come to terms with it. What should I do now?

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