My mother is a bad influence on my son.

My mother is a bad influence on my son.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have the same situation as the author of the story, wheremother interferesraising a grandson. My son is already 16 years old. We live together with my elderly mother. How she hates me! It's just something out of this world! Unfortunately, we can't live separately yet. M Since childhood, my mother has been whispering nasty things about me to my son, inciting him, and he has fallen under her influence.

My mother has one peculiarity - to blame everyone for her failures. In particular, me. She hated my father, and I understand that she hated me too. How she loves to say that I am to blame for everything and everyone. Absolutely everywhere. It’s funny to me to watch with what delight and hatred she loves to say this.

MyHer son also supports her, although I do and have done a lot for them. I am never greedy when I need to buy her something, and I do not refuse my son anything as far as possible. He grew up an egoist. Just like my mother, he blames everyone around him when something doesn’t work out. God forbid that something goes wrong, they both attack me with such hatred that I sometimes get scared. My son is also aggressive, he gets angry easily.

I am a victim at home. My son throws tantrums at the slightest thing, that he is not doing well, and of course, my grandmother immediately supports him. And it has been like this since childhood, when I tried to raise him normally, made comments, my mother always stood up for him, told him that I was wrong. As a result, my son does not listen to anyone now, is rude and can insult.

I have no more strength. I am an adult and my mother still tries to teach me life lessons. But she considers herself the smartest. Plus, she has a very sharp and angry tongue. When I am at work, they both call me with their complaints about each other. And this is despite the fact that they say that it will be better for them to live together. I want to disappear once and for all.

At home I get mentally and physically tired. I feel much better at work. At home I do everything myself because no one wants to do anything. My mother likes to say that she always feels bad and everything hurts. In reality, everything is different. It is also impossible to talk to her normally about anything. The only thing that matters to her is her opinion and that's it.

In short, I live in hell. And I don’t know what to do.

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