I suspect my husband of cheating

I suspect my husband of cheating
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have been together for 5 years. We live well, love each other, help each other in everything, support each other, etc. It happened that I stayed overnight atgirlfriends after work, andMy husband and his friends were relaxing at home (drinking and watching movies).

At 5 am they went home. In the morning I came home, it so happened that the keys were not there and I started calling my husband, but he did not pick up the phone, but as it turned out, he came home 5-10 minutes later than me, we met at the entrance. He said that he went to buy flowers, but he did not have money with him. There were quarrels, swearing and suspicions at home. Later, he pulled out a banknote from his pocket, which was intended for flowers (he took it at home, most likely). After the scandal, he packed his things and left the house, writing an SMS that there was no betrayal, but he was very guilty and wanted to commit suicide, because he was ashamed. In the evening he came home and showed the details of the numbers, said that he calledphone sex all night, but never got through because there was no money to pay test-antibiotic.com on the card.

Now I don't know what to think. What if he called and chose a call girl for himself? What if he betrayed me? Now he's actively proving that nothing happened. He's crying, trying to make amends and swearing that nothing happened. I know very wellhusband , when he lies and for some reason you want to believe him. But all the facts indicate the opposite! I understand in my head that it is impossible to do things in an hour, I have to get there, do things, come back home. I do not understand myself, I really want to believe, but I can not. I look at him and believe, as soon as I am alone - my thoughts eat me up, I cry and make up facts against him. My husband says that if he had cheated, he would not have come home at all, I see how he repents and suffers. But my own thoughts eat me up!

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