How to change your husband's attitude towards himself?

How to change your husband's attitude towards himself?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Married for 5 years. The first year of marriage we lived separately. Waslove , care, tenderness. Then myMy husband was transferred to another city for work, we temporarily stayed with his parents, since they had not yet rented an apartment, they lived not far from this city.

After living with my parents for three months,the husband gradually began to refuse to move out from his parents by hook or by crook. They were very good at firstrelationship until I began to notice that hehis mother is slowly persuading him to stay and live with them, I was against it because I leftget married at 30. I have my own views on household itemslife , and I didn’t want to live in the village, we don’t have anything of our own, just one car. We still paidloan for his parents' house for 4 years. So many people said that we need to think about our own housing. His mother is naturally unhappy that I am dragging him away from my parents’ house. She began to turn him against me, saying that she was not happy with anything, she didn’t like anything. I started crying to him thatHis father is a tyrant, how will she live with him alone?

Naturally, the relationship between my husband and I deteriorated greatly. As a result, when my husband agreed to move out, we had already found an apartment in the city; my father was dying in another country. I’m going there, my father raised his minor grandson, since his parents died, he didn’t provide guardianship, we can’t take the child out with his brother, they don’t let him out without guardians or permission, my brother and I have to be in another country on a rotational basis, I 6 months then he . Naturally, the husband did not become alonerent an apartment and stayed to live with his parents. At the beginning we called each other, everything was fine, until their youngest daughter-in-law started calling me and telling me how my mother-in-law scolded me. I told this to my husband, to which my husband flared up and said that his mother could not say anything like that. Although I myself heard many times how she threw mud at me to anyone, I ignored it.

My husband stopped calling, she constantly called herself, when she asked why she wasn’t calling, she found a lot of excuses. I stopped calling him, I thought he would call, but no,, so we didn’t talk on the phone for 4 months. As a result, when I arrived, he pretended that everything was fine, he was veryproud to call myself. We talked, it came to a divorce, but he began to persuade me that everything would work out. Previously, he asked for at least an apology, but after moving in with his parents, he never apologized. I gave him a second chance. Now I had to leave for my homeland again, I call, he again sits and waits for me to call first. I can’t understand, is it really possible that if you care about someone, you can’t call yourself and find out how they are? There is no more strength. If I stop calling myself again, history will repeat itself, he is very proud. I don’t know how to behave correctly in order to somehow change it. I do not know what to do. Please advise.

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