How can I change and find myself

How can I change and find myself
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am twenty-five years old, I have a job, I exercise moderately. My problem is that I was raisedmother , and there was never a male example nearby. I can't stand being alone and I get depressed because of it and there's nothing I can do about it. According to the girls, I'm cute, but it turns out to buildrelationships only with girls older than me. My currentMy friend is 5 years older than me.

I am very afraid to become attached to people, because it is very difficult to part with them. I sincerely wanted this relationship to develop into a family, butthe girl at some point cooled off towards me. She is very tough on me, says that I constantly whine and beg her to treat me well. I myself treat her very carefully, and I really miss her attention. I don't know why she thinks so of me.

But the paradox is that I cannot part with her, such a spiritualthe pain that I do not know where to put myself. She says she loves and says it's expensive, but I can see she's not interested. My motivation for life has completely disappeared, it feels like I'm constantly alone, andloved one is tired of me and does not want to understand.

Sorry for such a stream of emotions, it just boiled in my soul. I have been living like this for a year now, and situations with relationships are repeated. I understand that I myself am to blame for this, I really want to change something, but I can’t help myself. It saddens me to realize that I am a weak-willed, weak-willed young man, with real and very strong bouts of depression. Please give me advice, I will be very grateful.

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