How can I improve relationships with my neighbors?

How can I improve relationships with my neighbors?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We bought an apartment in a 5-story building, where the residents have mostly lived for 20 years or more. There is practically no parking at the entrance, but we can park cars; we have just enough for the entrance. Of course, the neighbors were hostile to our cars, saying that new ones had arrived to take our place.

The places where cars are parked are common areas, andI don’t want to argue like that with my neighbors, but we have 2 children, 3 years and 6 months. My husband works in another city, I drive them to kindergarten myself, and in order to put them in the car, you need to open the doors, but they squeeze me so tight (on purpose, of course) that I have to squeeze through the cars, push my own ahead, go home, dress the two of them. , etc. And if someone decides to leave at this time, they swear that I blocked everything! I’ll say right away that there are only 6 cars in the entrance together with mine, there are enough spaces in our “parking lot” for 8 or more cars to park normally, but no one wants to move.

We try to talk to our neighbors, they just swear and that’s it. Today, the cutest grandfather, who stands in two places, immediately swore at me because I asked him to move the car 30 cm. I came from the garden, and all the places were occupied except for him, so I put it there. I’m sitting here and thinking, how else can I talk to them, what should I say in order to calmly decide something?

What line of behavior to choose in this situation, or some phrase, how to conduct such conversations. I’m very worried, we’ve been struggling like this for six months now, two families understood us, shared the place, but others are now doing everything out of spite. If they come to me today, I’ll burst into tears, I probably don’t know how to answer curse words, and I don’t want to.

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