How do I deal with my parents' divorce?

How do I deal with my parents' divorce?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Parents lived together for 19 years. I am 19, my sister is 11. As far as I can remember, there has always been joy and mutual understanding in the family.

Parents never drank, never cheated, both work. Dad is a positive person, he likes everyone at home to smile. Mom is very economic, everything is always good and cozy at home.

I can’t say that often (a couple of times every few years), but, as in any family, there were quarrels between the parents. Mostly for nothing. We could not talk for days. Dad did not want us to see this and was always the first to put up.

They haven't spoken at all for the past year and a half. First, as usual, there was a petty quarrel. They were silent. After some time, new and new reasons for discord appeared. I heard them and understood that these are all such trifles and their anger appears simply from nothing.

There have been many cases due to misunderstandings. When the sister quarreled with dad (she is a teenager with a very quick-tempered and unyielding character), she could then lie to her mother so that a whole tragedy looms there. Not on purpose, of course. She just didn't understand what that entailed. Mom, without understanding, again yells at dad, and so over and over again.

I, in connection with the admission, the second year I live in a hostel in another city. I take turns talking to my parents on the phone. The most difficult moment was when dad asked me to convey how much he loves and misses mom, by her smile.

I understood that, if I did, I would have to listen to screams at him. And this was not at all desirable. Dad is having a hard time from the lack of conversation. Mom doesn't talk, sister, whenMom is at home, she doesn’t go into his room. Therefore, I am his only interlocutor.

Earlier on the weekends and now during the quarantine I live exclusively with my grandmother. She makes me feel at home. I almost never go to my parents' house. It's impossible to be hard. You do not know with whom to talk, so as not to offend the other. You are constantly running from one to the other.

Dad for the last two years wanted to do a mini-business. I liked the idea, it was just a matter of time. Mom got nervous about this. When I saw that he was buying something for this, I was very angry.

They didn’t boil it, but of course she didn’t understand anything about Then she told her grandmother how she began to pronounce everything to dad. I became very anxious. Recently, my sister came to my grandmother after school, told how my mother threw all my father's things into the hallway, they say, to leave.

I was shocked. I began to cry from how this whole situation is turning into a hopeless one. Mom was calm and quiet all her life. Even my grandmother did not understand how she became like that.

I understood that no matter how much dad loved mom, but any person has a limit. A year and a half silently listening to screams is also hard. Then, as I was afraid (I didn’t quite understand what happened at home), dad, in revenge, did the same with her things.

The next day I woke up with the news that my sister and mother were moving to grandmother with all things until spring. While dad was at home with the youngest, I don’t know by accident or on purpose, he said that if it weren’t for her, he would have hit mom. He never raised his hand in his entire life and told me as a child that he would never do that.

Mom now is afraid to come home. He says that in the spring he will go to apply fordivorce and will drive dad out of the house.

This whole situation just doesn't fit in my head. I cry non-stop at night. I'm afraid of how things will turn out in the future. Despite the rather mature age, no matter how psychologists write, I can’t accept it. I can't do everything.

When I think about it, I begin to remember all the happy moments in our family. I'm afraid of some ideas that we will no longer be a family. That in our house there will be someone alone.

How will mom be alone, where will dad go, how will this affect the mental background of her sister? I can't believe that such a huge nightmare was formed from nothing, from small misunderstandings.

Madly in love with both parents. In any quarrel, both of them are equally not to blame for me, and they are to blame for not being able to take the first step and waiting for an apology from each other.

Very hard. Tired of tears. Themselves at the thought of their parents run. When talking with them during the day, I can hardly restrain them. If they come to a real divorce, I will not be able to accept it morally.

I don't want to be selfish. I just understand that in this situation, all this scandal and the path to divorce could have been avoided if they had just talked calmly. This hurts. It would be a bit easier if there was a real reason for breaking up the relationship. And sothe family just falls apart because of nothing.

I searched for many days, read advice, but none of this reassures me a bit. I wrote thisConfession is primarily for myself, since I can no longer pronounce it to anyone.

It would be very useful to read how others, maybe someone you know, still managed to cope with this problem.

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