How can I deal with addiction to my husband?

How can I deal with addiction to my husband?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 42 years old, my husband is 44. We have been married for 16 years, it was different, butMy husband is a very difficult person. Never in all these years have I felt support from him. We live in another country, we emigrated a long time ago, and this also leaves its mark - we practically don’t see our parents, there is no family as such. Friends "on parole", virtual, there is no real help or support.

I have two educations, I have always worked and earned quite well. And so I quit, deciding to study again and have a higher category. This was the end of all my activities: a diploma in my pocket, but no real work. So I existed for 5 years, nerves, reproaches from my husband, etc. Achieved by the absence of children,health problems , lack of fulfillment in life and dependence on my husband, death in the family of a person close to me ...

Then there was humiliating work (as a cleaning lady), but I managed, survived everything, begged for health and a baby from God. I had a difficult pregnancy at the age of 40, there were difficult births, my baby almost died. After the operation, I was alone at home with a baby in my arms, without help - there was no one around. The child also had problems after a difficult birth.

And everything went topsy-turvy again: I didn’t get much, but I got better, I ceased to be that thin fashionista, my husband began to point out to me the flaws in the figure, while I was not entitled to money, they simply “none” for me. If that's not the case - "find yourself another" or "take a suitcase and shake it."

For a year and a half after the birth of my son, I simply hated my husband. His constant jokes and antics (I am antics or a child when he cries), constant annoyance with me. I realized that he hates me, brings me to tantrums, constantly yells at me even in front of the child. If before my baby just cried, now he feels sorry for me, he starts kissing at the next scandal.

I can’t leave my child’s husband to go out somewhere, walk around, he doesn’t look after him, my son is constantly bruised and scratched. Going home to retired parents is the only way out, but bad, because. I don’t want to live with my parents - it’s even more painful to hear the same reproaches from relatives.

I wanted my husband to leave and we lived separately, butthe child is still small, it is too early to send him to the garden, and the cost of the garden is very high for me - half of the salary. The husband says that he will not leave at my request, but will leave only when and if he himself needs it.

It is very hard at heart, there is no one to even talk and cry with. Here's how life can dispose: I used to be an independent, well-groomed woman, and now what? Klusha, dependent on a domestic tyrant with constant nagging at me. Why do I need all this?

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