How can I live with three small children?

How can I live with three small children?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It so happened that today the words were said: “I don’t love you anymore, confirm the divorce.”

My husband and I have been together for 10 years, married for 8 of them. During this time, we had three children, three beautiful sons, the youngest is not even a month old. All minepregnancy passed withouthusband and his support (works shifts) both physically and mentally.

And now he’s been home for a week. The first couple of days everything was fine, I tried not to raise the topic of the fact that he didn’t write or call while he was at work. But then something seemed to click in his head, he left on business and wrote that he doesn’t love me anymore, and that I should confirmdivorce . I naturally refused to do this and received the answer from him: “then I will leave like this.”

On myI ask how long he hasn’t loved me, he doesn’t answer, he says that it doesn’t matter anymore. Doesn't want to talk, won't use it. What should I do? I’m just postpartum, my oldest child is 8 years old, the middle one is only 3 years old. My husband is ready to leave me with three children and leave, but what will we do without a husband, without a dad?

I'm at a dead end and don't know what to do. There is no one to ask for help.

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