How to find a common language with your mother-in-law

How to find a common language with your mother-in-law
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My problem is that I can't communicate normally with my parents.husband , most of all with mother-in-law.

Six months ago our long-awaited was bornchild , and we moved in with my husband’s parents (since we previously rented an apartment, and my parents live in another city). My husband’s parents treat me very well, but if situations arise regarding everyday life or the child, then disagreements arise. The mother-in-law, who raised two children and a granddaughter, suggested how and what to do in relation to the child, but sometimes she was harsh and too persistent in her beliefs. And I'm so youngMom had a different idea of ​​how to properly care for a small child. And in terms of everyday life, I can’t always do anything around the house, over time I manage to do it, but before I couldn’t (the child cried very often and I had to carry him in my arms).

The whole problem is that when they tell me something like that, I close myself off and remain silent and cannot answer anything, but when the opportunity arises, I immediately go to the child’s room and cry there. All the resentment is poured out on the husband and sometimes he blurts out something stupid in front of everyone. For example, when I went for a walk with my child for the first time, I got dressed and dressed the child and went to put on my boots, leaving the child on the bed. The child screamed, and the mother-in-law said: “You only think about yourself, and don’t think about the child at all, you need to get dressed first, and then the child.” Although that's what I did. I felt offended, but without answering anything, I left with the child and was all in tears.

Or here’s another example: my mother-in-law once gathered my husband and me in the kitchen and said that we needed to dust and wash the floor, etc. Although I manage to do something around the house, I do it during breaks. Those. the child stays awake quietly for one half hour and I quickly wipe off the dust, after 3-4 hours if the child is lying down normally and playing, then you can wash the sink and this is how you get householdsolve problems . To which the mother-in-law has her own opinion, she says we need to clean even more often, and let the child scream. But and something else immediately appears: the child starts screaming - the mother-in-law or father-in-law immediately comes to him. Then why say “let him scream”?

In general, my whole problem is that I have always been silent, since the moment of marriage, I cannot object to anything, not say a word, but I am simply silent. And this is mainly when communicating with others as well. I understand that it’s just me, that I need to change something in myself, that my husband’s parents seem to treat me well, but privately they think that I’m strange. How to deal with this? After allI have a happy marriage ,The family is good and I don’t want to lose all this under any circumstances.

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