How can we convince our father to sell his two-room apartment?

How can we convince our father to sell his two-room apartment?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read itconfession about the apartment and shares in it and I want to share my own life story.

Parents haveapartment , a large three-ruble ruble, which was privatized and divided into 4 equal shares: me,brother and parents. My father inherited another two-room apartment, in which he now lives (with a woman).

With my fatherthe relationship is not working out and in the future I do not want to have any relationship with him, except perhaps financial. He gave money for our maintenance, my brother and I will give money for his maintenance if he doesn’t have enough.

But we are already worried about the fate of our mother. My brother lives in Germany, I’m in Kiev,Mom is in the regional center 500 km from us. My brother and I decided that we needed to take my mother closer, to Kyiv, and buy her a studio. For this purpose, we offered to sign over to my father all three shares in our three-room apartment, but in order to sell my father’s two-room apartment, buy my mother an apartment in a new building and then chip in for the renovation.

The two-room apartment is in a panel house, and the parents' three-room apartment is a large apartment in a relatively new building with security and good infrastructure.

My father threw a tantrum and said that we were letting him go around the world, we were ungrateful, etc. and so on. In the future, we are ready not to lay claim to this three-room apartment; it will completely go into my father’s possession.

I believe that our actions are logical. What do you think? Worth going tocourt and win 75% of the cost of the apartment? How to find a peaceful solution?

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