How they wanted to break up our family

How they wanted to break up our family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This summer, my common-law husband and I went to his relatives on the South Coast - he has an apartment there: small but cozy, in an old house with high ceilings. The house was two-story with two front doors, each floor had 4 apartments.

My husband had not been in that village for about 10 years, naturally, when we arrived, all the neighbors who knew him from the cradle ran out to look at the grown-up guy and young daughter-in-law. Everyone was so nice and friendly, but after these many acquaintances, I clearly made conclusions about who I wanted to know and who I didn’t. I'm not an angry or sociable person, it's just that many of my neighbors had granddaughters our age, and the firstThe question was: “Are you officially registered or not?” After they heard that we were still in a civil marriage (we are 23 years old, and have been living together since we were 18), lights lit up in their eyes.

And crowds of girls reached out to us with the words: “Oh, how long it’s been since we’ve seen each other! Do you remember how we played as children?” - and are all in the same spirit. Caring grandmothers really wanted their granddaughters to move to the big city (especially since we came from the Russian Federation and had our own car, for them we were like oligarchs).

Somethe girls were already with the guys and only came in so that the grannies would leave, we, of course, got along with them, met their chosen ones, walked at the sea, etc. But one of them was too intrusive. To be honest, she just infuriated me at first sight. The first words that appeared in my head when she appeared were: “HE’S MINE!” The thing is that I felt somehow unpleasant. No, I wasn't afraid that she was minewill take my husband away. I’m a pretty girl , I won’t say that I’m a beauty, but in comparison with her I’m the first beauty in the village, and he himself wasn’t particularly pleased with these visits. There's just some discomfort around her.

I’m a superstitious young lady, and she hangs around our house, then we meet at the sea (although there were so many people there that you could get lost in 2 meters from each other). For the first 2-3 days it bothered me, and then I just gave up, drinking and partying, as they say. And then one day my husband and I were sitting in the kitchen, Sasha (my husband’s uncle) went to the store, I was busy with dinner,husband drinks beer. We’re sitting, it’s warm outside, a light breeze is blowing through the window - a blunder. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. The husband went to open it. He exchanged a couple of phrases with someone there, came back half a minute later and asked:

- Do you have any knife?

I was surprised and asked who and why. He said that the neighbor asked. I am, as they say, in a pose. My first thought: I’m going to cut something dirty or pick something dirty, I don’t want to spoil my knives, so I decided to ask my neighbors. And then I remembered that my grandmother was talking about salt and neighbors, and then there was a knife. It's somehow unpleasant. But my husband already promised, I had to give him a knife. And after that, let’s bombard him with questions about what kind of neighbor she is, where she lives.

“Dak, from the next apartment, she’s young,” answered my husband. I immediately calmed down: I liked this woman, she lived with her son for 10 years, she was kind and smiling. And she helped Sashka, otherwise he lived alone after his wife’s death.

When the guy came from the store, I told him this mini-adventure, because it was unpleasant, the guy could immediately tell who he was giving the knife to, and then I wouldn’t have bothered. And Sasha rolled his eyes and asked us ten times what kind of neighbor he was. I found out what kind of knife we ​​gave her (she returned it about half an hour later), grabbed it and stabbed it into the doorframe. We are shocked:

- Sash, what are you doing?

“They wanted to put the evil eye on you, that’s what!” When they take scissors or a knife, they want to cut up the family. Weren't you surprised that she asked for this particular item?

I immediately went all out on my husband, saying that it’s strange when they take something that is in every home. Not salt - we can’t run out of knives. Sasha calmed me down and continued:

“If she did this, she won’t even be able to approach the threshold.”

It was after this that strange things began to happen. The next morning my uncle went to work, met that neighbor, and she, who had been so smiling, turned away and ran into the front door.

That same day I was cleaning the hallway, I heard some commotion on the staircase, I couldn’t resist looking through the peephole. So that neighbor, right along the opposite wall of the corridor, approaches her apartment, walking around our door at the maximum distance. I looked at the doorframe, and the knife was still stuck there.

I felt calm in my soul – it was not possible to break up her family. By the way, after this incidentThat girl never caught my eye again. And the neighbor kept shying away from us until our departure.

And my husband and I are fine.

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