How to ignore the insults of classmates?

How to ignore the insults of classmates?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I never thought about what I would needhelp , but I'm really desperate. I am 16 years old. Study at school. I lived in the same city for 15 years, and then, because of my father’s work, I had to move to a city 2,200 km away.

The city is normal, I'm not complaining. But it became very difficult for me here. My new classmates, although they accepted me normally, but after a while they began to insult me ​​and, as they think, “to make fun of”. I don't know how cool it is for anyone, but they call me fat and dumb. The generation is such that everyone writes like that on the Internet and it seems that no one is very offended. But this is on the Internet, and as for real life ... But this happens systematically. They have been openly insulting me for 2 months now. I tried different ways to discuss it with them. I tried not to react and just ignore them. But they began to offend even more. I tried to answer them with the same coin, but still they continue to do so. I tried to discuss everything, even threatened, but nothing happens. They just don't care about After that, I began to notice behind myself that I didn’t give a damn about everything. I have absolutely no interest in anything, I have no purpose in life. And I began to think more and more about death. But he did not want her, because. pity the parents.

And now I was completely overcome by this indifference to everything, my mood dropped, and I stopped going to school. I just stopped, my parents go to work, and I lie to them that I feel bad and I can’t go. I don't go there for weeks. And soMom told me that you can’t mow like that. But I don't go to school again. She said: “If I can’t educate you, then my father will educate you.” This is the biggest thing I'm afraid of in life, that he will scold and yell. I understand that he can discuss everything with me, but everything is so terrible in my heart. However, I am also very shy.The guy and it is very difficult for me to tell something. I don’t want to change schools either, because I just got used to the new one. Ratings are going nowhere. I feel like I'm degrading. I don't read books at all. I can't solve class 5 examples being in class 10.

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