How to explain to a child that he will soon have a brother or sister?

How to explain to a child that he will soon have a brother or sister?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I fell into the trap of asking my five-year-old son if he wanted a little brother or sister. He said: “No! I don’t want you to love him too.” When I tried to explain to him that no matter whether he wants it or not, he will have a sister, Vladik said: “So why are you asking me if she will be there anyway? But I won’t love her, I don’t need her.” I couldn’t find how to answer this and began to tell him that I had neither a sister nor a brother and I felt bad alone. I have no one to talk to or visit. But no arguments helped, and the son burst into tears and said that he would then go to live with his grandmother, who would love only him.

We didn’t return to this conversation again, but I noticed that my son was nervous, became irritable and withdrawn, and wasn’t eating well. We began to pay more attention to him, we buy new toys more often, but sometimes I see that he sits thoughtfully. And when I casually mentioned that another baby would now sleep in his old crib, my son went completely hysterical. They began to cite his friends in kindergarten as examples, who already have older or younger brothers or sisters - this does not help much. I feel very sorry for him and I already regret that I started this conversation with him ahead of time, when there are still five months left before the birth. Now I can’t say that I was joking in order to completely lose his trust.

My husband says that I shouldn’t have asked him, but just say that once we wanted him to appear, and now we also want a girl, and we hope for himhelp . Now everyone began to teach me what I should have done, but before they didn’t do something correctly. Now I think thatMom was right when she said that she should have given birth to a second child earlier, while Vladik was little, and all nipples and diapers would have been a thing of the past.

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