How to refuse parents so that they are not offended?

How to refuse parents so that they are not offended?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My parents constantly ask my husband for help. We have a hard time with money, we don’t have enough for anything, we just pay off loans. He has to work physically and now he has a hernia of the navel, and his back hurts a lot, he has difficulty walking. The first time I worked was sedentary.

I myself am on maternity leave, soon we will have a place in the garden and I will go to work. I would go earlier, but there is no one to leave the child with,the mother said that she has her own personal life, she doesn’t have to, she gets tired and gets sick. And we don’t even have money for food. It so happened thatMy husband pays off his debts not his own, but his relatives’, but I feel very sorry for him and I didn’t allow him to earn extra money physically, I think it’s better to have no money than for him not to get a job at all.

And now my parents live in their own house, and they constantly ask him to help around the house, to do hard work. He does it alone, because his stepfather was also ill and he couldn’t lift weights for a while. Now he's doing fine. Anyone who lives in their home knows what kind of work this is. They bought a car of firewood, my husband helped split it, they bought 2 more cars, he again splits every weekend, comes home and just collapses.

I feel so sorry for him, I hinted that my husband was ill, and offered to pay the people whoThey will make money , but since they are acquaintances, they will not take much. They refused, they say, we haven’t lived yet for strangers to do this for money in our house when we can do it ourselves. They have money to pay, and not much at all, but they refused and bought another huge truck of firewood and laugh, they say, there’s still a month’s worth of work.

I don't know what to do in this situation. The husband silently chops wood, and in the evening he comes and falls in pain. But how to refuse? Let's say we won't go and that's it,Mom will turn her back on us, and besides, stepfather will go inject himself alone, and whatever happens to our health, we will be to blame for not helping.

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