How to deal with your wife's betrayal: my personal experience

How to deal with your wife's betrayal: my personal experience
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

People usually write their life stories here, but I want to write something a little different. I probably write mostly for myself. This (or approximately this) I would like to read and understand many years ago, when I encountered this myself, and not all that nonsense of psychologists and supposedly “relatives” of people and supposedly “friends”.

Today, in our age of progress in all spheres, women are screaming about double standards. The fact that men have more rights and benefits than women. But in reality, everything turns out to be quite the opposite and often men, finding themselves in a difficult, terrible situation, are left alone with all the problems that have befallen them.

They silently and alone try to shovel them, while trying not to break, and also fight off the attacks of society with its strangely two-faced morality, from friends and relatives who suddenly take up arms against you. And suddenly they understand: you found yourself alone against the whole world only because you are a man and she (the one you loved and who betrayed you) told them a bunch of nonsense, which they all willingly believed in

I won't describe my story in detail. What is important is not it, but the processes that I went through during and after it. The point is that my exmy wife not only cheated, but also turned a significant part of my relatives and friends against me. The most offensive thing is that those who supposedly remained on my side began to persistently convince me that two people were to blame for the relationship and for the betrayal. They tried to persuade me to go to a psychologist and not to cut things rashly, to try to saverelationship .

And I will say for those who are in the same situation: don’t go - it’s not your fault! Remember and always remember one thing: only the one who committed it is to blame for the act. The rest is just an attempt to shift blame and responsibility.

Forget about help, there won't be any. They will hammer into you that you are no less, if not more, to blame than the traitor. They will tell you that relationships andfamily is work and we need to build it together. Abetrayal of is not the end... and other nonsense. Don't believe it.

Just think about it: you weren’t happy with everything in your marriage either, right? But you didn’t follow the same path, you didn’t run to seek solace on the side, in someone else’s bed, in someone else’s arms, right? You invested in the relationship until the very end, believed in it and in your loved one. And after this, will someone tell you that you are to blame? Absurd.

Don’t even think about biting yourself, looking for reasons within yourself, looking for what yourguilt . Out of love, out of love dying in the agony of hellish pain, you will try to make excuses for the person you still love. And you will look for guilt in yourself, and you will find it, you will come up with nonsense that you will believe in, and with which you will justify the person you still love, and with which you will sentence yourself. But this is nonsense and self-hypnosis under the pressure of an aggressive outside world, the same supposedly close people, the same supposed friends and the same smart specialists. But all this is broken by a simple but persistent steel fact: under the same conditions and in the same problems, you did not run to the side, you did not betray. But you were betrayed.

I succumbed to the persuasion of my family and friends, and my ex-wife and I went to a family psychologist. My attempt to “save the family” ended in divorce and nervous breakdown number two. In total, I lost 50 kg in weight, because... stopped eating and sleeping. Work day and night, and break for cigarettes,coffee andalcohol of varying degrees of lousiness, from cognac to vodka.

In my pain, in my collapse of the world, I was left alone. Most of the relatives went over to the ex-wife’s side and believed her. Some of those relatives and friends who seemed to remain on my side also began to gently say that there are always two people to blame and that the family needs to be saved. I was alone. They felt sorry for her, helped her, and I was alone. I was drowning in my pain, I was going crazy from this hellish stress. I suffered from health problems and ended up drinking heavily. I didn't sleep or eat, I tried to deal with it all alone.

Those who were family and friends for me were divided in two: some openly spread rot and ate me, and the second culturally pressed their fingers on the open lacerated wounds of the soul and heart, made an understanding, sympathetic appearance, but continued to press and kill. It took me eight years to move away from everything and get back on my feet. Without relatives, without loved ones, without friends, without specialists. Just peace, quiet andlife without a past.

I have been married to my current wife for a long time. I am happy, I have two sons and a calm, happy life. I don’t communicate with almost all of my relatives (with rare exceptions); all my old friends are in the past. And, frankly speaking, they were not friends.

And my ex got hers: the second one was unsuccessful.marriage and complete hopelessness as a gift. Her newher husband drank, beat, cheated and mentally abused her. So we switched places with her. However, I haven’t cared for a long time. My past for me is just a small spot on the path traveled.

If myexperience will help at least someone, I will be only glad. This is exactly what I wanted to hear then, many years ago: words of understanding and support, and not accusations and reproaches based on the words of a lying and vile person who betrayed me and took everything from me.

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