How to react to such an act of your husband?

How to react to such an act of your husband?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Married for two years. UThis is my husband 's secondmarriage . My parents were against such a marriage, butMom said he was divorcedthe man is unreliable. She believes that no woman will divorce a good husband, especially if there ischild .

I was 29 and I didn't want to wait for someone else,I liked my husband , and even now I don’t regret marrying him. Everything was fine with us until a week ago my husband wished his ex-wife a happy birthday by ordering her a bouquet of flowers with delivery. He told me about it himself. I pretended that nothing had happened, but the resentment did not give me peace. I couldn’t stand it and told my sister, who told my mother. The mother immediately called with the words: “I told you so!”

I don't know how to feel about my husband's actions. Maybe he still loves her? The husband said that they just parted as friends, shethe mother of his son, for whom this gesture will also serve for educational purposes.

What should I do? Forget this oneact or divorce, no children yet?

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