How to discourage your mother-in-law?

How to discourage your mother-in-law?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am almost 40 years old, and my husband is 43. We havedaughter 6 years old. We are normalfamily . I have a mother-in-law in another city, and we didn’t have any special problems with our relationship until I beggedhusband to buy a dacha in the city where she lives and, accordingly, he used to live. And it so happened that our dacha turned out to be 300 meters from my mother-in-law’s dacha.

I was shocked. But we didn’t refuse. The house is excellent, next to a forest, a river, just a fairy tale. But this woman is now constantly in my house. He has breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then he runs away to his dacha, literally for a few hours, and is back with me.

I would be glad if she helped with lunch or dinner, or took my daughter to the river to let me work (I work two jobs remotely). I took the bedroom, settled in and waited for them to invite me to the table for a barbecue. No help.

How can I get her off? Tell me, I don’t want to offend my husband, otherwise I would have kicked him out and that’s it. Due to the distance, we did not become close and dear ones. Now there is quarantine, my daughter is at home, I can’t work, I leave her with neighbors when I need to go to the office. Grandma can’t come, she doesn’t feel well. Gastritis, ulcer. Three hours drive.

By the way, financially every month she is on schedulehelp . I do not mind. Soon it will be spring, the dacha, the mother-in-law will forget about all the illnesses and the same thing will start again.

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