How to survive unfair dismissal?

How to survive unfair dismissal?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 22 years old. I live in a relatively small city. She moved from the district to study, but left the first university, entered another, but from there they were simply expelled for absenteeism and tails, because she had to work in order to somehow support herself. My parents have enough worries without me, and I could not hang myself, the eldest child, on them.

I got a job in a company as an account manager, moved from a hostel to an apartment that I rent to this day and became quite financially independent. At first I even liked this work (associated with advertising), there was excitement, and I easily met the targets, I was constantly among the best employees.

But then it seemed to knock me down, and I myself do not fully understand what exactly. Perhaps I burned out as a manager or just needed a vacation, but there was apathy and even hatred for what I was doing. However, I didn't quit. I was faithful to the company, and when my othercolleagues , and when salaries were greatly delayed, and when was out of season (it is much more difficult to sell in winter). I sat at work in the evenings, meekly endured all the stupid (in my subjective opinion) innovations. As a result, they singled me out for some time and even gave me a kind of promotion - a person in submission.

I didn’t have a young man, and no, I live alone, my friends have their own worries and 95% of my time was devoted to work or reading books for work. And no, I'm not a passionate person. I did it all because it was necessary. I ended up getting fired last week. Our salaries were delayed for a month, and for the entire last month I received 4,500 in my hands, because the director decided to deduct the client's debt from me, although all the documents were signed and, in fact, everything was completed on my part. She argued that the company could no longer wait for me to collect this debt from the client.

The reason for the dismissal - I did not pass on timethe client's money to the cashier, and there was no longer any trust in me from the management. I was not upset at all, because wrote a statement many times before, but it was returned to me under various pretexts. But on the very last day, when I had already passed the bypass sheet, I was called into the meeting room by my direct director, commercial and another employee. They turned on the recorder and put before the fact, they say, choose: we serve you incourt , or we take away your calculation on account of the debts of your own client. Moreover, I still owe them a good amount and they ask me how I will return it.

At first I told them to sue me, but then they started to scare me that they would call my parents and tell them that they were going to start a case against me. Previously, we communicated quite closely and confidentially with the director, and she knows very well that my parents are my weak point. In general, they pushed me through and forced me to write them a receipt with an installment plan for the return of the “debt” and sign everything in the statements, as if I had received the entire payment. On the same day, moving away from the shock, I called my former client lawyer and told her everything at the meeting. She helped me well, suggested what I could do in this situation, but also said that the “war” with them could cost me my energy, strength and nerves. She generally advises to pay them this debt andforget about them.

But I can't! I signed up for a consultation with the labor inspectorate and will write a complaint against my former employer there. But now the situation is deplorable in fact. I simply don’t have money for food, a lot of debts (I got into half of them while still working due to salary delays), which there is simply nothing to return. I noticeably lost weight literally over the weekend, and my face was disfigured by two sores, so it’s scary to leave the house. Hair falls out, eye twitches. But I go to interviews, they invite me to many places because of my work experience, some fame in certain circles of the city. Mom helps me, of course, morally encourages me, but I can’t tell her my emotional state.

I live alone, I don’t see any of my friends now and rarely go out on the street for no business. Soon those who I owe will come for my soul There is a risk of eviction from the apartment, although I explained the whole situation to the hostess. It finishes off with the fact that I am no longer beautiful and can not do a hobby (I am a model and occasionally shot for clothing catalogs). Still completeloneliness . The guy is not and was not there, the parents are far away, there are two people who know all this from that work and support them, they talk about the actions of the former leadership, but no one is around.

I can definitely handle all this. I set myself the goal of being accepted for a new job this week, to come up with something with debts. There is something extra everywhere. She is probably to blame for this, she is a serious and not easy-going person. I'm scared, I feel insignificant and miserable, nothing of myself. Where to get the energy and strength to fix it?

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