How to stop your daughter's wedding?

How to stop your daughter's wedding?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My daughter is 26 years old. I was already worried that she would remain single, because until now she had not met anyone. We have a trusting relationship with her, and we live in the same house and on the same floor.

Six months ago, she called and said: "Come with your father to me, I have a surprise for you." Herthe apartment was full of vases with white tulips. And this is in December! The daughter said that she met a guy two weeks ago. I did not want to speak right away, since he is Armenian, I decided that we would not like him. I saw thatthe husband is not happy with this news, but she said that her daughter is already an adult and let her decide for herself.

A week later, my daughter moved in with her boyfriend, and I lost my peace. She introduced us, the guy is handsome, but immediately seemed too self-confident and selfish to me. And so it happened, and he added that he said that men are allowed everything with them, andthe wife should take care of the household and create comfort for her husband. Immediately started talking about marriage and children. I asked my daughter not to rush.

During this time, she had already come home several times by taxi, once even in the middle of the night. He did not beat her, but if something went wrong, he immediately collected her things and kicked her out. She cried, said that that was all, but a couple of days later he came for her with a huge bouquet of roses, and she left with him again. To my tears, she replied: “I love him and there is nothing I can do about it.”

I'm shocked by everything. The only onethe child is so unhappy. I'm afraid that after marriage, everything will change for the worse. But how can I stop it!

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