How to reconcile with your husband?

How to reconcile with your husband?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don't know why this is happening and how to save ourmarriage , and whether it is necessary.

Married only 3 years, and already screams, scandals, quarrels. In the beginning there were some materialproblems . They invested in their business, went bankrupt, and paid off their debt to the bank for several years.

At that time, we lived and still live in my grandmother's apartment. They haven’t saved up for their housing yet, but they paid off almost the entire debt. Even last year we traveled around Russia a couple of times, very budget, but interesting. However, on the trip they swore because of any nonsense. Either because of everyday trifles (grievances have accumulated), then because of all sorts of platitudes. Between us, the warmth, tenderness completely disappeared. My husband no longer hugged me, did not console me, did not show any concern. When I got poisoned and asked to go for pills, I cried from pain, he silently did what I would ask him, and then he stuck his head on the phone, without a single word. And I really needed at least a drop of love, consolation. When I left the phone at the hotel, he just gloated, said that he didn’t feel sorry for me and that’s how I need it. He said that I got him inattention and absent-mindedness.

I understand everything, but he, too, loses his phone every half hour. And it pulls me to look for him. In general, we now have a very cold attitude towards each other. We live in different rooms, we hardly talk. He never comes when I call a movie to watch or take a walk, says he doesn't want to, plays on the phone. We have nothing to talk about, he does not support any topics, answering in monosyllables. I also stopped trying.

Resentment accumulates more and more. I often think about divorce. What's the point of living like neighbors? Conversations also lead only to new scandals. Even my banal request to wipe the table behind me (left a lot of crumbs) led to another reproaches from each other. It got to the point where you start counting which of us makes more mistakes, who does more around the house, who wipes the table more often.

A nightmare. This was not the case before. He believes that he has adapted to me, because he does as I ask: he does not put pots on shelves with plates (somehow pan flew into me), closes the door to the corridor behind him (often left it open) , smokes on the balcony, not in the apartment. He considers this a certain sacrifice on his part. But it's not oursapartment , such rules were before him, and they must be observed. Previously, because of this, we didn’t quarrel, we understood each other, we loved to watch movies in the evenings in an embrace. Now we don't even touch each other. He shakes off my hand when I hold it, he no longer reaches for me. Out of love? Not recognized.

I don't want to live like this. She said she wanted a divorce. And he replied that I would be completely alone then. No friendsfamily away. It turns out, out of pity with me? Then it's better to be alone than like that. And still take the last step, I'm afraid. I want to fix it, but I don't know how. It seems like a banal quarrel, but you can somehow solve them. Reach an agreement. But it doesn't come out. We don’t hear or understand each other at all, as if we speak different languages.

Grandmother wants to return to the apartment (she lived with her sister), asks to move out by winter. Before we discussed mortgages, we wanted to take it, but now how? What to do? Do then also a mortgage apartment? Live in scandals for many years and endure? I don’t want to believe that everything will end in divorce, I love him and reach out to him, but apparently this only works in one direction.

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