How do you know when to break up?

How do you know when to break up?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have been married for 15 years. We have two beautiful children (12 and 7 years old). OurRelations with my wife have always been difficult, apparently due to our childhood complexes and, as a result, a very early marriage. But over the past 5 years our feelings have cooled greatly. In addition, new concerns have emerged, including immigration to another country.

In recent years, family conflicts and disagreements have become more and more common. Nothing helps - not flowers, not spending time together, not parties. The wife does not respond to compliments or gifts. Joint trips and vacations often end in scandal. Sex a couple of times a month, or even less. It seems that we are not attracted to each other enough.

There are, of course, common conversations, topics and interests. But this is rare. In addition, I notice that it gives us more pleasure to be without each other and to walk in different companies.

How to feel about all this? We are 34 years old. Both with education and work. The children settled into the new country very well, and the local language became their mother tongue. Is this a sign,, that we should part ways? If so, what about children?

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