How can you trust people after this?

How can you trust people after this?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My employee had it six months agomy son had an accident. An expensive operation was urgently needed, and our entire team collectedmoney to help her. The boss allocated some amount, and the rest was collected using a social network.

We all sympathized with her, worried about how the operation would go, and supported her as best we could. Everything went well, the guy was discharged, and soon the employee took a vacation (not according to schedule). The boss met her halfway, realizing that her son needed care at least for the first time after the operation. But then the coronavirus came, quarantine and we learned the truth.

It turned out that a decent amount of money was left over, and the employee, instead of spending the money on further rehabilitation of her son or, as all people do in such cases, transferring money to others in need of help, flew to Egypt. No one would have known if she hadn't been stuck there because of the quarantine. We began to openly tell her that decent people don’t act like that, because we were saving for an operation, and not for her to go to an expensive resort. She said that after such stress, she needed rest and a change of place.

I don’t even know how to relate to such people. Now many people ask for help, but because of people like my employee, you lose faith in people, and you don’t want to help at all. Except for very close people. I remembered an incident from the 90s when no one had any money at all, and my classmate in my home village needed surgery on a joint, otherwise he would become disabled. His parents asked for help in whatever way they could. There were people who literally brought in pennies. The parents wrote down all their debts in a notebook so that they could slowly pay off their debts. The operation was successful, now he is limping a little, but he can walk on his own, and this is the main thing. After about a year, his parents began gradually distributing money to the list. Almost everyone refused to take them back. Everyone had already forgotten this story, but five years later two guys crashed on a motorcycle, so these people, by this timelife got better, brought their parents a large sum of moneytreatment . Much more than they had left then. This is what integrity and gratitude look like.

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