How after such an act to live together?

How after such an act to live together?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Our conflict with my husband has been going on since the New Year, and most likely will end in divorce. So many grievances and insults have already accumulated that I don’t see any possibility of living together.

It all started with the fact that on the eve of the New Year holidays, our three-year-old son fell ill, the temperature jumped to thirty-nine, and I called the doctor. The child was constantly crying, I could not leave him to run to the pharmacy for the medicines prescribed by the doctor, and at the same time drop into the store, buy lemons and juice. Everything could be fine, butthe husband at that time was going to a corporate party, which was arranged at their place of work, a restaurant was ordered. I asked him to stay at home, because this is not necessary, he is not a boss, but an ordinary office worker. But my husband refused, he was also rude, said that I could handle it myself, becausethe doctor did not find anything serious in his son, the usual SARS, but this is not pneumonia, as I suspected. When I began to cry from resentment, my husband said that he would only go for an hour or two to check in, and at the same time would visit the pharmacy.

It was five o'clock in the evening! I waited for the medicine until eight o'clock, then I asked my neighbor to go to the pharmacy, because my son did not want to stay with her. A neighbor brought medicine, she also went to the store for us. My husband was not there until the morning, he did not answer calls, as he later said, the phone was dead. I spent one night with a sick child and the next morning I was so angry with him that I told him everything. The husband made excuses that he could not leave earlier, but tell me which restaurant until the morning! Then where was he this time, knowing that a sick child was at home? Since then, I have been sleeping in the children's room with my son, my husband cooks for himself, but he does not go to reconciliation and does not consider himself guilty. On the eighth of March, he didn’t even congratulate with words, moreover, he came late, where he was, I don’t know. And so I decided todivorce , I can no longer live with him, even for the sake of the child. Although he does not really need him, since such an attitude towards him.

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