How to put your husband in his place?

How to put your husband in his place?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have the same situation with my husband as the author of the story that humiliateshusband .

Three of his previous girlfriends ran away, and I, from a simple family, accustomed to humiliation, endured this for 10 years. But I've grown up, and I can't live with it anymore. Unfortunately, I am on maternity leave, we have two children and I am completely dependent on him.

When we met, I earned more, and now my husband's salaries are constantly growing and he increasingly feels his superiority over me. In any situation, he immediately pokes money at me, saying that he allegedly won’t give it to me, or that he himself earns everything here. But I can’t say that it is implemented at work. Nobody recognizes him and puts him in a higher position (which surprises him very much), although I see this, but I can’t say, because God forbid I hint that he is wrong somewhere. He believes that he is the best, smarter than everyone, and he does everything right not like everyone else,, but all the other suckers (including me, I always do everything wrong as he wants). And he makes excuses all his life that he teaches me how to live correctly, which I only understand from a stick.

He has the talent to lead, but he realizes it only with me. And it always does. Both in people and not in people. About everything. I just got so used to it that I didn’t even notice, I passed by. And it seems likerelationship, then we have happy, wonderful children, he takes care of me, about the children, helps, if necessary, is not lazy, plays with the children,earns money , everything seems to be fine, but only this one moment ...

And now I realized this and began to notice only because mya child who is 6 years old began to be rude to me, insult me ​​and totally disobey me. It finished me off, I went to figure it out and realized that it was my husband who constantly humiliates me, jokes, insults and devalues ​​my opinion in the presence of children, which is why they begin to treat me like that with themselves.

I began to talk about this to my husband, simply to explain that it was unpleasant, painful, hurting me. He loves me very much, I know, he listens, but it still repeats. After that, he understands this and starts behaving like an angel, doing everything, asking what I want, well, like showing excessive care so that I don’t get offended and it works, again, probably because I’m patient. At such moments, I am very afraid to argue with him or even say something, because I feel that it could be even worse. This is noticed even by strangers, all my girlfriends, no one envy me, everyone just pity me and askthe question is how can I do that.

And now I’ve probably sobered up and seen myself from the outside, I saw where everything is heading, why I break down on children, why they don’t respect me, why my son annoys me with his jokes, because it’s all from his father? I guess I'm so angry at him, but from impotence before my husband I can splash it out only on the children. I am very sad to realize this,, but I don’t want to destroy the family either.

My only question is how to change it? Is it possible to learn how to put it in its place? Or is this only a problem with me, and if I change, I will become objectionable?

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