How can I influence my sister not to borrow money?

How can I influence my sister not to borrow money?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My sister has an addiction. Borrows from friends and relativesand does not return the money . He constantly lies to them that he will return it in a few hours or days.

The amounts are small, but in total the debt has become impressive. Several years ago it turned out that she also had debts at work. She explained that she had lost a certain amount of money and because of this she was in debt. She herselfmarried , 5 children. The husband is not aware of her debts. She’s afraid to tell him that he’ll beat her up and throw her out. To save the family, parents tookloan and paid off her debts.

She got pregnant and left her job. While on maternity leave, she continued to borrow money and did not pay it back. From time to time, friends and relatives began to complain to me and my parents. She always promises not to borrow money, but continues to do so. According to her, she spends money on household expenses -groceries , pocket expenses for children, etc.

Things are tense with her husbandrelationship . Periodically he raises his hand to her. He refuses to give money for some expenses (household and school), tells her to work and pay for it herself. Previously, there was no and she had no bad habits. She studied well and was always one of the best at work. She communicated well with everyone, everyone respected and appreciated her. She says that she doesn’t understand when she takes on debt, doesn’t know what she’s thinking about, that her relationship with her husband forces her to do this, but at the same time she doesn’t want to divorce him for the sake of the children. Now she is caring for a 2-month-old baby and does not work.

How to help a person get out of this addiction? I am very worried that soon she will be left alone and everyone will turn away from her. Today, a considerable amount of debt has accumulated again, and her friends are again complaining about her. I'm afraid to tell my parents, my mother will havehealth problems .

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